MW IndustriesIncreasesspring製造能力通過諺語管轄OFFOX山穀春天公司  

  • 合並組合式Companywill利用現有的自動化和製造能力為全球行業提供彈簧和電線形式  

夏洛特,北卡羅萊納州,安格萊恩維爾,威斯康星州,11月1日,2021年 -MW Industries,AleadingProvider OfErepi亚搏体育vipsion組件,今天宣布收購Offox Valley Spring Company,LLC,AprinCipalSupplierof Springs,Wire Formand和Flatsprings。      

Theation Infonox Valley Spring CompanyClosed Onoctober 29,2021和Expandsmw Industries'sexisting自動化和製造能力,適用於彈簧和線材形式。該公司將提供廣泛的專業技術複雜精密春季製造,各種彈簧式突出彈簧,扭轉彈簧,線材和模具彈簧。 Fox Valley Spring will join MW Components, the division of MW Industries focusing on manufacturing highly engineered precision components at speed and scale.     

“福克斯山穀春天眾所周知,他們的經驗是最高質量的,定製的泉水。 Fox Valley Spring’s technology and expertise will allow us to better support our customers as they seek custom springs made from specialty materials, manufactured to tighter tolerances,” said Simon Newman, CEO of MW Industries. “We’re thrilled to welcome Fox Valley Spring to the family and look forward to growing together as we provide more products and services to our customers.”     

Fox Valley SpringCompanyis是一個全國認可的專家春季製造業。憑借ThelatestCNC卷繞和自動化技術,Fox Valley Springcan在一次操作中製造複雜的精密彈簧。 The expert engineering and manufacturing professionals at Fox Valley Spring can design and manufacture custom springs to each customer’s unique requirements.     

“我們的目標一直是為客戶提供最佳的產品和服務 - 加入MW家族讓我們比以往任何時候都為他們做更多的事情,”福克斯穀春季總裁Keith Wincentsen說。“作為一家公司,我們的客戶現在將能夠從任何MW地點購買產品,並要求專業SpringSthat Leverageourcapabilitience以及整個MW係列所提供的產品。 We’re excited to provide those resources to our customers and bring our capabilities to serve the greater MW customer base.”     



關於MW Industries.   

MW Industries集團公司在全球擁有30多個製造設施,提供了今天的工程師的精密組件,需要做出最好的工作。該業務在全球75多個國家/地區和各種企業為生命科學,汽車,航空航天,電子產品和能源提供超過19,000個企業。我們沒有妥協雄心壯誌,以確切地提供客戶所需的需求,準確地說。 So whether they want to partner with us on developing a next-generation product or need one of our thousands of stock parts for immediate delivery, we can help.       

Aboutfox Valley SpringCompany.  

福克斯山穀春天已成為定製春季製造業的全國公認的領導者30多年。 We leverage the latest CNC spring coiling, automation, and design techniques to produce springs to the exact dimensions and requirements our customers request. With a diverse product line including extension springs, torsion springs, wire forms, die springs, and flat springs, we serve customers in a variety of industries. Our continuous investment in new technology and processes has allowed us to meet the needs of customers across the country as they source the highest quality components. 



Julie-Anna Dietz  
MW Industries,Inc。 



如果您對此次收購有任何疑問,請在Fox Valley Spring或致電MW Components聯係我們亚博全站网站网址704.837.0331
